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Protect Us!

- Saint Michael Who is like God -Pray for Us!

St. Michael photoSaint Michael the Archangel, protect us. Defend us in battle; the battle that is now upon us, the battle between good and evil.

Saint Michael, it was you who battled Lucifer in Heaven and claimed the victory, casting him out with all the fallen angels who have since found a comfortable haven here on earth. Saint Michael, protector of the Heavenly Host, of Heaven and earth, and guardian over the Holy Priests of the Roman Catholic Church and all the faithful, we do hereby ask for your protection, guidance and wisdom in helping us to defend God's Church, the true faith, and our brothers and sisters. Saint Michael, we consecrate ourselves to you, we the faithful in God and in His only son, Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour. Show us the way to help cast out the demons roaming the earth and the netherworld, and lead us onward safely to God.

Saint Michael appears four (4) times in Scripture: Revelation 12:7: "Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought." In Daniel 12:1, Catholic edition, in reference to the end times, reads: “At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time; but at that time your people shall be delivered, every one whose name shall be found written in the book." Daniel 10:13: "The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; but Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, so I left him there with the prince of the kingdom of Persia." Jude 1:9: "But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, disputed about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a reviling judgment upon him, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.”

The Bible tells us that God has given His angels charge over us, and Saint Michael charge over all the angels, as well as over all the earth. The powerful Archangel acts on our behalf, on our prayers and requests, all to be answered in God's time. We thank him wholeheartedly for his help and protection. He is the foremost messenger of God, as are all angels God's messengers. As evil attempts one last turn to close in on the world, Saint Michael will never cease to be heard from. The end days prompting the coming days of the antichrist are now in focus so all beware and keep your vigils. Trust in God and in your faith. God's Word will help you to know and understand the truth; follow God's Will foremost. "Listen to God not to men..." The one true God will not be mimicked by the imposter pretending to be Our Lord, despite his ability to perform miracles and garner worship. The Holy Bible, and God's Will, will never be altered! We have been forewarned. All we need do is listen to that still small voice within us sent from God, pray daily, believe and repent, and look up to Heaven.

The defense of God, His Church, and the true faith begins with the faithful. We can gather an army loyal to God just by adhering to wisdom and prayer, by becoming prayer warriors. Prayer is the greatest weapon against evil, and the greatest weapon of all against Satan is the Holy Rosary, a "weapon for our times" as claimed by Saint Padre Pio. Pray, pray, pray! And in your prayers, always remember that it is obligatory to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who need our help and who, in turn, can pray for us here on earth.

Follow the Prince of Heaven, don the Armor of God and go righteously forth!

The One Holy and Apostolic Church of God

† It is an obligation of the faithful, lay and clergy alike, to protect and defend the true Church of Christ, the one Christian Church founded by Jesus Christ. Jesus appointed the Apostle, Peter, his "rock," to lead His church. Peter would go on to become the first Pope and "Vicar of Christ", for he alone was given the keys to the Kingdom to be the primary leader of the church.

However, over the centuries several progressive/bad Popes and secular society have lead the Church to the brink of the destruction and persecution we now witness occuring in these terrible times. The current Pope, Francis I, has removed his title as "Vicar of Christ", preferring to refer to himself as the Bishop of Rome, equal to all other Bishops. This is absolutely not in line with God's Will. The "Vicar of Christ" is NOT God, but is the true representative of Jesus Christ on earth until the time Christ returns. The Holy Father has a mission to "lead the flock, to spread the Gospel, to teach the faith, to save souls." The current Pope has diminished the dignity of the successive role extended to him by the authority of God, through Saint Peter and, thus, God's Church has come under attack by the enemies of Christ both from within as well as without. Satan's minions, who seek to destroy the King of Kings and all of His earthly possessions, have infiltrated God's Church, and, yet, we already know that a complete dissolution will never happen for God has already claimed the victory!

Nontheless, attempts of persecution will continue upon Jesus and His followers, upon the Blessed Virgin, upon the Holy Eucharist, and upon the Catholic Church as a whole, until the day appointed. The faithful, clergy and lay, must defend the Bride of Christ until Our Lord returns. We must never accept any derivations of the Word of God, currently under threat by the three-year Synod on Synodality (Vatican III?) which seeks to "restructure" the Catholic Church in some way which could lead to, possibly, altering God's sacred liturgy and the altering of the Consecration of the Host. Sadly, casting out tradition permanently seems to be current on the agenda. When Catholics note that Christ's Words have been removed from the Consecration, be assured that Christ will no longer be present in the Eucharist and that it is time to leave the Holy Church and seek a Holy Priest who remains loyal to God and His Word.

Therefore, it is imperative that Catholics pay careful attention, for the "smoke of Satan" has, indeed, entered the Church!

Pope Leo XIII and the Saint Michael Prayer

The Season of Satan is upon us...Do not fear!

The Bible and Pope Leo XIII foretold that this time would come. And, so, it has come to this:
a fight between good and evil, a fight for the Holy Church and for salvation. We shall prevail...

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The Legendary St. Michael's Sword

Mont St. Michel, Normandy, France and St. Michael's Cave and Shrine, Mt. Gargano, Italy. Two special places where St. Michael appeared centuries ago. Both places are along the line of Shrines and Holy places said to have been visited by the Archangel.

Saint Michael at Garabandal

"From the onset of the apparitions, Saint Michael dispensed Holy Communion to the visionaries on days when Mass was not held in the village. The Host was perceived and seen by the visionaries but remained invisible to onlookers. The angel taught the children to receive with reverence saying first the Act of Contrition and reminding them to think upon Whom they were about to receive. Following reception they recited the Anima Christi of Saint Ignatius Loyola as part of their thanksgiving.
On July 19, 1962 at 1:30AM Conchita left her house in ecstasy, turned a corner and dropped to her knees in an adjacent lane. She put out her tongue. Those just inches away affirmed that it was bare. In a startling flash, a brilliant white Host materialized on the girl’s tongue. Alejandro Damians, a businessman from Barcelona with a borrowed movie camera and flashlight illumination, took several frames capturing in black and white contrast this miracle of the Visible Host. Multiple eyewitnesses present that night, standing near Conchita, also testified publicly to the sudden appearance of the Host." - taken from www.garabandal.us, the Story of Garabandal.

Garabandal Eucharist

Saint Michael Prayer

St. MichaelSaint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares
of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, oh, Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the
Power of God cast into hell Satan, and all evil spirits
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Christian Tradition Gives to St. Michael Four Offices

"The Greek Liturgy styles him 'Archistrategos,''highest general.'"

  • 1. To fight against Satan
  • 2. To rescue the souls of the faithful from the power of the enemy, especially at the hour of death.
  • 3. To be the champion of God's people
  • 4. To call away from earth and bring men's souls to judgment

Saint Michael Protect the Victims of Human Trafficking - MJ

Michael Joseph Vaughan - MonkeyOn July 27th of 2021, five-year old Michael Joseph Vaughan, known to his family as "Monkey," was abducted in his neighborhood, minutes from his home. It has been 3 years and no progress has been made in his case. We believe that Michael was taken by one visiting in the neighborhood who is a known drug offender and who possibly sold Michael for money. Michael may have been taken to Ohio, where the perp is from, thus, we urge all to take particular note of this boy's image and to look out for him when, and wherever, possible. He was taken out of the area. Please pray for Saint Michael's intercession on "Monkey's" behalf.

"Michael, Michael of the Morning
fresh chord of Heaven adorning,
Keep Michael Joseph Vaughan safe this day,
and in time of temptation,
drive the devil away. Amen."

"We Love You, Monkey!"
Michael Joseph Vaughan Still Missing

Honoring Venerable Fr. Patrick Peyton - The Rosary Priest

Ven. Fr. Peyton“The family that prays together stays together.” - Fr. Peyton.
Born in 1909 in Ireland, Father Peyton came to the United
States in 1929 and found his calling in the priesthood. He
started the Holy Family Ministries, and his Rosary rallies were
attended by thousands of people. Hollywood was at his beck and
call. They loved Father Pat. In 2017, Pope Francis I decreed him "Venerable." Father Peyton passed on in 1992.

Holy Cross Family Ministries
Father Patrick Peyton Story
DVD "Pray" - Tribute to Father Peyton. Click on link to watch film.

Daily Mass Readings

Venerate Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification

The Time Has Come...

Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification Statue

Four Hundred years ago, her statue was completed by the archangels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, with the help of Saint Francis of Assisi. Our Lady commanded to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres of the Carmelite Monastery in Quito, Equador, that the statue be made to her (Our Lady) exact countenance. The face continues to display varying changes in emotion, proven in photographs, and the statue has been proclaimed to "walk" about the halls and grounds at dawn, with proof noted on Our Lady's dew-laden hem. Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification is, perhaps, the greatest of Our Lady's apparitions for our time for every prophecy given to Mother Mariana 400 years ago by Our Lady has come to pass, all except one, the one humankind will be witnessing first-hand: the reformation of God's Holy Church. Is this the beginning of the end?

Venerate Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification for her prophetic words, prophecies fulfilled, have, and will, guide us into the end of days.

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The Year of Our Lord 2024

President Joe Biden Commits Sacrilege on the Holiest Christian Holiday

Joe Biden, disgraced Roman Catholic, declares Easter Sunday "transgender visability day." His outrageous support for abortion, transgenderism, and homosexual unions proves he has abandoned God; mocking Our Lord in every blasphemus way possible! This man needs to be ex-communicated NOW!

Sacrilege! on Easter Sunday at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Pro-Hamas/Palestinian protesters attack and blaspheme the Holiest Christian Holiday, Easter Sunday.

Sacrilege! at St. Patrick's Cathedral, NYC

Detestful, abomination to God infiltrates the Holy Cathedral in a clear act of persecution of the church!

Father Mitch Pacwa (EWTN) on Pachamama...

Did Pope Francis Bless the Pachamama Statue at the Vatican?

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There is only ONE Holy and Apostolic Church of God founded by Jesus Christ... The Roman Catholic Church...Make Reparation for ALL Abominations and Sacrileges Made Against Our Lord... Pray the Rosary Daily!...