The Holy Roman Catholic Church is under attack. God has sent His High General, Saint Michael, to warn and guide faithful followers through the impending crisis evidenced in messages he has been giving through prophets and signs heralding his presence. More recently, a thief in Mexico invaded a Catholic Church there and stole a statue of Saint Michael. The man did not get far as he quickly dropped the statue and fell onto Saint Michael's sword, leaving him injured and stunned. We have not heard the last from the archangel!
The World is in turmoil. God and His only Son have been removed from the secular societies of the world, and here in the United States of America, God has been lost to the nation. The turmoil and offenses to God have long been foretold by the prophecies of many Saints and seers, and the Blessed Virgin, during her many apparitions, forewarned us that chastisements would occur if mankind did not cease offending her son. While humanity continues to offend God, the weak and vulnerable are being preyed upon by Satan and his minions. The evil one has tainted Christian churches across the world and, has made himself quite at home in Rome; within the Vatican and outside in the many Christian communities. He has corrupted priests and church leaders who have allowed themselves, through weakness, to succumb to evil desires and decisions. We must pray for them.
The late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI advised in a posthumous essay that
The present time has brought us something we have never before witnessed in such excess in our lives, and with devastating aggression: blasphemy, heresy, apostacy. We are told by Jesus that the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church, but Our Lord has allowed Satan to attempt to overpower the Bride of Christ, the Holy Catholic Church, giving him 100 years to try. Jesus already knows the outcome. The purpose is that the faithful are being tested for our loyalty to God and His Church, and, thus far, many, upon many, have already proven disloyalty to Him. Now is the time to turn back to God or far too many souls will be lost forever because they have no faith and see no reason to repent for sins. Pray for them.
Through the help of Saint Michael, protector of the Heavenly Host, and watcher over the faithful, whose mission it is to guide and protect the faithful against the evil one, stay strong in your defense. The strongest weapon against evil is the Holy Rosary. Always keep it close by and pray it daily.
This website has been created, through the protection and guidance of Saint Michael,to be a helpful asset to those who wish to return to God and His Church, and for those who desire to increase their belief and understanding in the true faith.
Why Over the Rainbow?The rainbow is a sign and symbol from God Who promised that He would never again destroy the earth by water. The symbol, itself, however, has been much maligned, especially recently by a group, mainly composed of atheists, whose use of the rainbow flag is a mockery to God and their agenda an abomination to Him. It is most important to realize that the spectacular and colorful bow, that is usually seen during and after a rainstorm, is a direct message of love sent from God to His children on earth. It is not the land of Oz that exists "over the rainbow." Existing there are the three heavens, the highest realm being where God resides and where we will, hopefully, one day, be with Him.
The time has come for the faithful in Christ to stand and defend the Holy Mother Church, God's Church, to stand and speak out, to remain a silent witness no longer.
Through the intercession of the Blessed Mother and Saint Michael, may Our Lord God keep you safe, courageous and filled with faith, hope, and love.
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